388th FW guidance for COVID-19

  • Published
  • 388th Fighter Wing Public Affairs

HILL AIR FORCE BASE, Utah -- The 388th Fighter Wing recently issued the following guidelines to it's members here to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. 

These wing-wide steps, in combination with CDC guidelines can help isolate any eventual cases, decrease the chances of widespread sickness within the wing and the community, and preserve combat readiness. If members are in doubt about any of the below steps, they should contact their supervisor for guidance. 

Members should anticipate that DOD, Air Force, and local guidance will evolve.

1. If you’re sick, don’t come to work. Call the TRICARE Nurse Advice Line at 1-800-TRICARE or the Utah COVID-19 Hotline at 1-888-374-8824.

2. Please observe a six-foot social distance from others whenever possible.

3. Implement virtual meetings whenever possible.

4. Liberal civilian telework is encouraged.

5. All future TDYs will be approved by the wing commander.

6. Members currently TDY will follow the CDC travel guidelines before returning to work.

7. All future leaves and TDYs will follow the current DOD and Air Force travel policy.

8. When you’re healthy and asked to stay home, all members and families should remain within the local area, a two-hour-radius from Hill AFB, and avoid mass gatherings or crowded public areas.

9. Physical fitness tests may be delayed for members that do not need them for deployment, promotion boards, SCODs and OPRs. PTLs should implement testing procedures that reduce physical contact and proximity.