
If you have a question related to the 388th Fighter Wing, please see below. If your question is not addressed here, please visit the Hill AFBAir Combat Command or Air Force Link questions page. For general military questions, please refer to the Department of Defense page.


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Expand List item 959Collapse List item 959  Community Relations

Goals of community relations

The goals of community relations are to develop and carry out programs to earn understanding, acceptance, and support of the Air Force role in national defense and to foster equal treatment and respect for AF people and their families in communities where there is an Air Force presence. The Air Force is concerned with community relations because it depends on community support to help its people carry out the many missions. Participation in community events by Air Force people is desirable and highly encouraged. It helps create awareness and sustain awareness of the civil responsibilities assumed by Air Force people. Contact public affairs during normal business hours at (801) 777-3200

Contact the chief of community relations for any of the following: 
-- Tours 
-- Speaking Engagements 
-- Requests for Support 
-- Public Inquiry 
Expand List item 960Collapse List item 960  Internal Information

Goal of internal information 

The prime goal of internal information is to keep personnel fully informed so that the end result is high morale, higher productivity and retention. The internal audience includes active duty and reserve forces, civilian employees, cadets, retired persons, and their families.  

Here's a list of other internal information tools available: 
--AF Television News 
--Air Force News 
--Air Combat Command News 
--Commander's Call Topics 
--Air Force Radio News (800) 264-2066 
Expand List item 961Collapse List item 961  Media Relations 

Goals of media relations 

Media Relations programs are designed to be responsive to the needs of the media in keeping the mass public informed of 388th Fighter Wing and Air Force issues. Most people get their news from a variety of sources ranging from news programs and publications to specialty channels and magazines. Through these media, Air Force news reaches opinion leaders and the public, whose support is critical because Air Force programs depend on acceptance and funding. Contact a public affairs professional at (801) 777-3200 or DSN 777-3200. All media queries, requests for interview and information to be given to the media must be coordinated through the Public Affairs office. If you have a media query after normal duty hours, contact the command post at (801) 777-3007, or DSN 777-3007, and ask for the on-call Public Affairs representative, available 24-hours a day.